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إلهام شاهين - وكان من أبرز هذه الأعمال مسلسل بطلوع الروح الذي لقي هجوما كبيرا على الفنانة إلهام شاهين، واعتبره البعض (أي المسلسل) هجوما على الدين . Baca selengkapnya
Non Traditional Christmas Meal : Deutsche küche) is made up of many different local or regional cuisines, reflecting the country's federal history.germany itself is part of a larger cultural region, central europe, sharing many traditions with neighbouring countries such as poland and the czech republic.southern regions, like bavaria and swabia, share dishes with austrian and … Baca selengkapnya
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Porto / The city itself isn't very populous (about 300,000 inhabitants), but the porto metropolitan area (greater . Baca selengkapnya